Canon Simon, would like to invite you to join the Called and Gifted Programme and the Live Teaching day on Saturday 19th October 2024 at Corpus Christi Church from 9:00am.
Learn more about your spiritual gifts and your unique mission in God’s plan as you are guided by a trained team. For more details and to sign up, follow this link
Please note, the last date for sign-ups is Sunday 22nd September Each attendee will have to pay £41. However, the cost should not be an obstacle to signing up, so if you need help with the cost, please contact the parish office.
We hope you find us an open and welcoming community.
Over the years, the shape and make-up of the community has extended to include a wonderful diversity of backgrounds, cultures, nationalities and age; which means that our congregation in one sense demonstrates the universal love of Corpus Christi.
Our central purpose to give glory to God, and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which we believe to be good news for all people. We do this both by our worship and by our lives.
As a Pastoral Area we recognise the need to nurture local worshipping communities, and through these to support individuals and families in their faith. We are also keen to welcome fellow Catholics, wherever you may come from, and those who are wishing to explore the Catholic faith.
If you are interested in joining or returning to the church, here is where you can register to join our parish. New and current parishioners can access parish notice boards and newsletters online, view your parish diary, and find key contacts.
Visit this area of the website for daily prayers and spiritual guidance, to request a mass or prayers to be said, and access up-to-date mass times.
Please read our latest newsletter to understand the current situation regarding masses and meetings in our church and hall.
There you will also find information about attendance and times of live streaming of the mass.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help you
CorCorpus Christi Church 60 Sturges Road Wokingham
Phone Number: 0118 978 0348
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